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(This article contains an observation I haven’t seen before…Ed.)Hamas Has Built a Monster of Death and Destruction Aimed at Israel – Aharon Lapidot I was watching foreign correspondents reporting from Gaza. With their bullet-proof vests, they stand in the middle of the street against a background of the ruins left as a result of IDF strikes, as women, children, and wounded scurry around them. None of them notice that a key component of the scene is missing. If, God forbid, any rocket were to fall in a populated area in Israel, the first ones to swamp the scene would be the uniformed rescue forces: police officers, soldiers, firefighters, paramedics. No one in uniform is seen in any of the reports from Gaza. Where are the Hamas soldiers and police in Gaza when an Israeli bomb falls? They are hiding underground in the immense tunnel system constructed beneath the city, in Underground Gaza. In the clearest possible manner we have been faced with a dizzying reality. Hamas has built a monster of death and destruction aimed at us. The billions of dollars in humanitarian aid, tens of thousands of tons of concrete and construction materials, the electricity and water that Israel has supplied to Gaza for years – have been used to build these tunnels, which are intended to kill as many Israelis as possible. (Israel Hayom)

By   /   July 24, 2014  /   No Comments

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Hamas Has Built a Monster of Death and Destruction Aimed at Israel – Aharon Lapidot
(from dailyalert.org, July 24, 2014)

I was watching foreign correspondents reporting from Gaza. With their bullet-proof vests, they stand in the middle of the street against a background of the ruins left as a result of IDF strikes, as women, children, and wounded scurry around them. None of them notice that a key component of the scene is missing.

If, God forbid, any rocket were to fall in a populated area in Israel, the first ones to swamp the scene would be the uniformed rescue forces: police officers, soldiers, firefighters, paramedics. No one in uniform is seen in any of the reports from Gaza. Where are the Hamas soldiers and police in Gaza when an Israeli bomb falls? They are hiding underground in the immense tunnel system constructed beneath the city, in Underground Gaza.

In the clearest possible manner we have been faced with a dizzying reality. Hamas has built a monster of death and destruction aimed at us. The billions of dollars in humanitarian aid, tens of thousands of tons of concrete and construction materials, the electricity and water that Israel has supplied to Gaza for years – have been used to build these tunnels, which are intended to kill as many Israelis as possible. (Israel Hayom)

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