The Time of the Assassins – Hisham Melhem (Politico)
(, Jan. 21, 2015)
A murderous, fanatical, atavistic Islamist ideology espoused by Salafi Jihadist killers is sweeping the brittle world the Arab peoples inhabit, shaking it to its foundations.
On the day the globalized wrath of these assassins claimed the lives of the Charlie Hebdo twelve in Paris, it almost simultaneously claimed the lives of 38 Yemenis in their capital Sana’a, and an undetermined number of victims in Syria and Iraq.
The devil’s rejects of this ideology engage in wanton ritualistic beheadings while intoxicated with shouts of Allahu Akbar, oblivious to the fact that most of their victims are Muslims.
The time of the assassins is upon us, and the true tragedy of the Arab and Muslim world today is that there is no organized, legitimate counterforce to oppose these murderers.
The writer is the Washington bureau chief of the Al-Arabiya satellite channel.
(Is the world finally starting to come around?…Ed.)