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Terror Originates from Hate and Incitement – Ben-Dror Yemini (Ynet News via Daily Alert)

By   /   February 12, 2019  /   No Comments

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Feb. 12, 2019

  • Terror Originates from Hate and Incitement – Ben-Dror Yemini
    We have been told that Palestinian terror will not end until Israel removes all cause for the Palestinians to resort to terrorist activity. During the week in which Ori Ansbacher was murdered, 186 people were killed by jihadists elsewhere in the world. 2018 saw 11,769 jihadist killings, and the majority of the victims were Muslims. The main reason for terrorism is incitement and brainwashing in mosques and on social networks.
    Ansbacher was killed because her murderer originates from a community where many sanctify death and hatred. She was killed because the highest religious official in the Palestinian Authority, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, regularly calls for the murder of Jews. She was killed because the environment that encourages murder is sustained by the PA’s monthly salary payments to terrorists.
    Arafat Irfaiya, Ori Ansbacher’s murderer, knew that nothing would happen to him and his family following this attack, but that they would actually benefit from it. Even if his house is destroyed, it will be rebuilt within days. (Ynet News)
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