Tazpit Focuses on Europe
Amotz Eyal and Yifa Segal, the directors of Tazpit, travelled to Brussels, the home of the European Parliament and the capital of European press, to build up Tazpit’s presence and influence in Europe.
They spent the week meeting with representatives of the press, media advisors in the EU parliament, Belgian parliament members and various organizations and local leaders. Furthermore, to upgrade our connections in Europe, they have also met with the Executive director of the Brussels Europe Press club who told them about the benefits of becoming a member and invited them to join. Membership will allow us access to many press clubs around the world.
This work, we believe, will give us the opportunity to be more effective in getting our materials published more widely in Europe, exposing a broader public to the truth about Israel. Europe is a powerful player in the international arena and it is important they receive truthful, accurate and reliable information.
Amotz Eyal and Yifa Segal at a session of the EU Foreign Relations Committee