Mar. 11, 2019
A significant crack in the US-Israel alliance broke open last week and it will be very difficult to fix.
As you recall, over a two-week span, Rep. Ihlan Omar, a freshman from Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, alleged that the US-Israel alliance was bought and paid for by AIPAC, charged Jews with having dual loyalties, and affirmed her support for the BDS movement, the goal of which is a one-state solution and that one state is not Israel.
Instead of rebuking Rep. Omar and standing up for shared values of democracy and individual freedoms, the House of Representatives passed a generic and meaningless resolution condemning “bigotry against any minorities,” including “anti-Muslim discrimination” and “anti-Semitism.”
Transitioning the Israel-Palestinian conflict into a matter of competing religious victimhood is exactly what Rep. Omar and her supporters wanted