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Ramadan Muslim Temple Mount Violence: Day 2 (Youtube)

By   /   June 30, 2016  /   No Comments

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Published on Jun 27, 2016

Watch this and imagine it was a similar “institution” standing in the core of New York City, Paris or Toronto or any western city where citizens, residents and tourists walk leisurely by 24/7. Do you think the police, national guard and a slew of other security forces would have the restraint that this security force demonstrates. But my most pressing question is, where is the international news media now?

27.06.16: For the second consecutive day, Muslim rioters throwing stones and other objects at Israel police and Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount sought to force the police to close the Mount to all non-Muslims.

The Israel police had other plans, and after quelling the violence escorted a group of Jewish worshipers on the Mount.

Violence has proven a very effective means in recent years for Muslims on the Temple Mount to intimidate the Israel police and the government officials who set their policy. Time and time again Muslim Temple Mount violence has caused the police to capitulate and close the Temple Mount to all non-Muslims until calm can be restored.

This violent blackmail has been especially successfully employed both during Muslim holidays and Jewish holidays. In past years the Israel police have closed the Temple Mount to all non- Muslims during most of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. This year, however, the police have kept the Mount open to Jews throughout the first three weeks of Ramadan, (albeit for very limited hours each day), causing Muslim extremists great displeasure and even greater motivation to stir up violence with the hope of closing the Mount to all non-Muslims.

So far the Israel police, in contrast to former years, hasn’t followed the script of the troublemakers and instead has kept the Temple Mount open. Let’s hope this continues.

The video clips used in the video were taken from different sources including officially released footage by the Israel police and amateur videos taken by Muslim standers-by, as well as participants in the violence. The clips are not shown in any particular sequence.

Click here for 9 min. video

(Note: I tagged this posting “apartheid” because these Muslims feel that only Muslims can be present on the Temple Mount, and that the presence of Jews might defile the site…Ed.)

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