May 11, 2019
PA TV Uses International Women’s Day to Glorify Female Terrorists – Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch (Palestinian Media Watch)
To mark International Women’s Day, on March 6, PA TV broadcast an interview with the Director of the Palestinian Women’s Union in Gaza, Amal Hamad.
Instead of discussing the achievements of Palestinian women or the inequality that they suffer in Palestinian society, Hamad chose to highlight the important role Palestinian women have played in violence and terror.
She cited “female martyrs – Shadia Abu Ghazaleh (who prepared bombs for terror attacks), Dalal Mughrabi (who led the group that murdered 37 Israelis, 12 of them children), Wafa Idris (the first female suicide bomber), Ayyat Al-Akhras (the youngest female suicide bomber), [and] Darin Abu Aisheh (a female suicide bomber).”