Oct. 30, 2019
Normalization: 166,000 Palestinians Work with Israelis Every Day – Neville Teller
“Normalization” has been adopted as a term of abuse by the Palestinian leadership to stigmatize any form of joint Palestinian-Israeli activity. The elephant in this room is that every day, 130,000 Palestinians cross into Israel from the West Bank to work for some 8,100 employers. Their employment is an important part of the West Bank economy. Palestinians working in Israel bring home $1.4 billion. Their average salary is 2 1/2 times the average salary in the Palestinian autonomous areas.
In addition, 36,000 Palestinians are employed in Israeli firms in the West Bank, many earning up to 3 times the average Palestinian wage. Israel has established several industrial zones there, comprising around 1,000 businesses. This ongoing demonstration of Palestinian-Israeli joint activity on a massive scale is rarely referred to by the anti-normalization activists. (Jerusalem Report)