Life for Killer of U.K. Soldier Rigby
Michael Adebolajo Will Never Be Free; Accomplice Michael Adebowale Given 45 Year Sentence
Associated Press via WSJ, Feb. 26, 2014
“LONDON—An al Qaeda-inspired extremist was sentenced to life without parole Wednesday for hacking a British soldier to death on a London street in front of horrified passersby.
Images of Michael Adebolajo, 29 years old, holding a butcher knife and cleaver with bloodied hands in the moments after the May 22 killing of Lee Rigby shocked people around the world and sparked fears of Islamist terrorism in Britain.
The self-described “soldier of Allah” was sentenced at Central Criminal Court along with his accomplice, 22-year-old Michael Adebowale, who received a minimum 45-year sentence….”