On Dec. 7, 2013 this letter was published in the National Post in a section of letters titled “United Church minister denounces Israeli boycott”….it was the only letter in the subsection titled “…or was the boycott just?”
I feel that this letter calls for rebuttal….Ed.
Amid complaints and condemnations levied over the United Church boycott of products from Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, it is worth taking a step back and remembering one key fact: the settlements are illegal under international law.
Even the government of Canada, for all its pro-Israel stances, officially acknowledges this to be true. According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, ratified by Israel in 1951, “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”
Everything considered, United Church policy on this issue is moderate, nonviolent, and grounded in international law. I see very little worth taking offence over.
David Taub Bancroft, Vancouver.
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