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C3RF Member Update – 15 March, 2019 (Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights & Freedoms)

By   /   March 16, 2019  /   No Comments

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Mar. 14, 2019

C3RF throws Op-Ed “hail Mary”
Every now and then I’ll launch a “hail Mary” downfield hoping the mainstream media sees fit to make a catch.  These pieces of correspondence are inevitably dropped as they tend to rail against the social and political pieties of the day.  They seek to debate issues that are generally “settled” facts or science and risk charges of one “phobia” or another.  Indeed, it might be easier for me to put socks on a rooster than get one of my missives published in the MSM.  I keep trying, though, as I’m an eternal optimist and remain buoyed by the fact that, no matter how many times I am rejected, I can still get my insubordinate tirades out to you – fellow travellers in the fight to preserve the right to express an opinion no matter how antediluvian it might be.

Anyway, here’s one that I just sent off into oblivion last week.  It deals with the accreditation of the Islamic Party of Ontario as a political party in the named province.  One would think it was a worthy topic of conversation as the proposed Party aims to introduce Sharia law in Ontario as an accepted component part of the province’s system of jurisprudence.  When one reads the submission below, it is easy to see how this could be problematic from a citizen’s perspective regards his or her own access to Charter-guaranteed fundamental rights and freedoms.  Here’s the article:

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