Abbas’ Harsh Speech at the UN – Chemi Shalev
(, Sept. 29, 2014)
Mahmoud Abbas’ speech before the UN General Assembly on Fridaymore or less buried the “peace process” that the U.S. has been leading for the past two decades and charted a brand new diplomatic course for the Palestinians, one of confrontation rather than conciliation. Abbas used harsh and bellicose words, taken from the classic lexicon of habitual Israel-haters: racism and war crimes, apartheid and genocide.
His address was also a product of his own frustration: the Islamic State has upstaged him and stolen his thunder. Instead of riding the waves of sympathy generated by Gaza, Abbas found himself relegated to the sidelines, clamoring for attention. (Ha’aretz)
See also Peace Talks Are Officially Off the Table – Nahum Barnea
At the UN General Assembly, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of waging a genocide war in Gaza. He knew it was a lie, and yet he said it. On the diplomatic and legal level, it’s similar to a declaration of war. Abbas is trying to prove to the Palestinian street that Hamas is not the only one fighting Israel. (Ynet News)
Abbas Incites and We’re to Blame? – Dror Eydar
We watched as PA President Mahmoud Abbas stood up and lied in the worst speech of incitement a Palestinian representative has ever made to Westerners. Not a word about the reason for the war this past summer; not a word about the putsch Hamas planned against him. And we’re expected to trust him?
Genocide? In the second half of the 20th century alone, Muslims slaughtered millions of other Muslims and Christians. In most places, it was a brutal, methodical extermination that fit the chilling definition of genocide.
Toward the end of his speech, this so-called moderate partner asserted that what had caused terrorism in our region was international leniency toward Israel. The State of Israel, according to the moderate partner, is actually more dangerous than the beheading Islamists. (Israel Hayom)
See also Text: Abbas’ UN Speech (Times of Israel)
(Click on any of the underlined links to see the whole article…Ed.)